5 Most Common Uses for Silicon Wristbands Reviewed by Momizat on . Customized wristbands in Nigeria has become popular and it has become common to see both young and old rocking this silicone bracelets in Lagos. Wristbands made Customized wristbands in Nigeria has become popular and it has become common to see both young and old rocking this silicone bracelets in Lagos. Wristbands made Rating: 0
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5 Most Common Uses for Silicon Wristbands

5 Most Common Uses for Silicon Wristbands

Customized wristbands in Nigeria has become popular and it has become common to see both young and old rocking this silicone bracelets in Lagos. Wristbands made out of silicon are not exclusively used for fund raising and awareness drives. These are used for a lot of other purposes. Here are 5 of the most common uses of these wristbands:

Marketing tools – silicon wristbands have been used by many companies for marketing purposes for years now, and these are usually handed out during special company events. You will see these being given to the public during conferences, trade shows, and other similar events. These bracelets usually carry not only the company name, but also the company logo. At times these can carry the company slogan beside a small logo or company name.

Fundraising – as mentioned earlier, these are also used by charities and organizations to raise not only awareness about a specific cause, but to also customized silicon wristbandraise money for such a cause. Many others have also followed this path and have raised money for their individual causes with the use of silicon wristbands. Other charities and causes that have used wristbands for fund raising and awareness include those for different kinds of cancers, like those pink wristbands for breast cancer, white for lung cancer, and orange for leukemia.



Tickets and entry tags – commonly called event wristbands in Nigeria they have been used by many establishments as entry tags. These are most commonly used in this manner by theme parks and recreation facilities, with the color of the wristbands indicating which facilities and rides a person can access without having to pay extra. These are also used for concerts and other similar events, with these silicon wristbands doubling as souvenirs for such an event.

Decorative accessories – wristbands made out of silicon can also be used as an accessory, with such wrist decorations carrying unique messages, funny quotes, and the like. These come in a variety of colors, widths, shapes, sizes, and designs. These can also carry cartoon characters, symbols, and numbers. These can also come in more than one color. The possibilities are endless and the limit is often the imagination as well as the limitations of what a wristband maker can do.

Political wristbands – lately, these have found some use in politics, with people wearing such wristbands to support specific candidates. These can be distributed by campaign staff to help raise support for their chosen candidate, or distributed by supporters themselves to help encourage people to vote for the person they want to see in office. These silicon bracelets are usually printed with the candidate’s name and the position they are after, and these bands are usually made in the candidate’s colors or the party’s colors.

Church Wristband – this has become one of the most remarkable ways churches in Nigeria promote their brands these days. It can be used to promote an upcoming church event, a seminar or the church itself to attract new members and popularise the ministry.

EloquentGift is a major silicon bracelet producer in Lagos Nigeria. Contact us for all types of wristband in Nigeria; from glow in the dark wristband to embossed wristband.

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