Benefits of Installing CCTV Camera in your school

If you want your school to join one of the top-notch nursery and primary schools in Lekki or even Lagos as a whole then you must take security serious. These days, private schools have come under public scrutiny as many negative news have emanated from such quarters of recent. Also the issue of insecurity is increasing in Nigeria. It therefore becomes important to install CCTV Cameras in different locations of the school.
It may cost a fortune to take this move but as we will be seeing it will surely end up more cost effective to deploy CCTV cameras around the school environment. Here are the top reasons you need a CCTV installer in Lagos urgently for your school
- Enhance Access Control
- Crime Prevention
- Student Safety
- Teacher Safety
- Emergency Preparedness
1. Enhance Access Control: Although access control systems are necessary but it can be enhanced by adding CCTV cameras. It is not enough to rely on Security men or just gates and locks to know who is having access to the students or pupils. Most schools have multiple access points, making it difficult to keep track of them all. Access control means securing the perimeter of the school’s property, including each point of entry. It helps you keep a visual record of access
2. Crime Prevention: Student Cultism, School violence, vandalism, gang activity, bullying and theft are more common events that not only interfere with academic achievement but also put massive pressure on schools. Placing security cameras in strategic areas is an effective way to deter crime. Criminals are always on the lookout for cameras and their top priority is to avoid being captured. Security cameras placed on and around the school campus and its perimeter provide schools with many advantages. Some include preventing vandalism and increasing security awareness
3. Student safety:Â Schools, as public educational institutions, have a critical duty to ensure the safety of their students and teachers while on school grounds. While we all hope that nothing ever goes wrong, schools are not immune to safety and security risks. Security cameras can help not only keep students safe but they can also be used to identify high risk areas on the school premises.
4. Teacher safety: Its not only students that are at risk of danger this days, even the teachers need a great level of caution. One of those precautions that must be in place is the installation of CCTV cameras around the school environment.
5. Prepare for Emergency: CCTV Security cameras provide enhance a school’s ability to respond to an emergency. Security cameras that provide schools access to centralized footage give them the ability to quickly find incidents of interest, and more importantly share this footage with authorities. This combination gives schools the best chance at quick, safe, and calm emergency resolution.