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Information and write up on entrepreneurship


Do you plan to register a trademark in Nigeria? Then here are few things you need to know about trademarks and how trademark registration is done in Nigeria. We will also introduce you to a trademark registration agency in Nigeria that will help you simplify the complexity of registering a trademark in Nigeria. Please know that there is a difference between company registration and trademark registration WH ...

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How to Register a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) with CAC in Nigeria

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is a nonprofit organization or voluntary group which is organized at a local, national and/or international level for a particular purpose. NGO’s are set up for various reasons or interests which are best known to owners of these groups.  Source of funding is usually gotten via grants, donations and fundraising from well meaning people who have the interest of the NGO a ...

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Entrepreneurs Guide to Starting and Running a Successful Business

Do you plan to be an entrepreneur? then here are steps you can take to start from no where and end up in an enviable position. While many people say they want to start a business but don't have capital, there are many things more important than capital. Let's xray all you need and the necessary steps to starting a business: Idea to Marketing Research Ideas they say rule the world. Business begins with an id ...

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The Major Differences Between Business Name and Limited Liability Company (LTD) in Nigeria

Many who want to register their business with CAC in Nigeria have one major question on the difference between registering a business name and a Limited Liability Company. This blog will shows you that difference. This article proffers keynote differences between a Business Name and a Company in Nigeria. The points stated below are not exhaustive, but they constitute some of the basic differences between a ...

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Eloquent start-up is a business startup package, created primarily for emerging entrepreneurs who wish to turn their ideas into real investments, then, for Small & Medium Scale Enterprises that are not fully branded. For as low as 75,000, you too can get all you need to kick-start your business, yes, everything! Let me not bug you with long details, see it for yourself. ...

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“I was told that once my business gets a website, it births an online image where I can tell the world what we do, where we are, who we are and why we are different. Few years later, it’s now like we are speaking to an audience that is not paying attention”- Mr. Lekan Williams. “I got a web company to develop a website for my business, in addition, the website was optimized to increase its visibility on Goo ...

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Corporate Visual Identity: What Does it mean for your business?

Life and living is in constant flux, many aspects have metamorphosed, likewise business. In business, it’s called innovation. Corporate visual identity is the face and the digital signature of every company and organization on the planet. It is instantly identifiable and drives customers to buy a particular product or service. Visual Identity has evolved into one of the most valuable and long-lasting invest ...

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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

After a long wait, the New Year has finally arrived. As is the culture of most Nigerians, New Year begins with a cross over service in church, then fireworks and finally partying. After the buzz is over, we now focus on more serious things like a New Year’s Resolution. If your goal this year is to achieve success in your business and also enjoy the success, then this write up will benefit you a great lot. T ...

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E-commerce Solution to Prevent Ebola Virus spread

The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and Nigeria in particular calls for desperate measures. Considering the number of people that live in Lagos with this small land mass, it would be necessary to device all means to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. One of those very effective ways would be to go cashless. It has been established that the virus spreads fast by person-to-person contact. People has ...

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Why Choose Metal Business Cards?

The emergence of Metal business cards in Nigeria is making many top executives to throw away their paper business cards and embrace the eye-catching and stylish aesthetics  style associated with metal biz cards. Some make the metal business cards just to give it to selected few while they keep the paper business cards to every other person that would need their business cards. If you are looking for a uniqu ...

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