How to Check if a Company is Registered in Nigeria with CAC Reviewed by Momizat on . Before falling for scams which might cause you huge financial losses, ensure you have done enough research on that particular company before striking any busine Before falling for scams which might cause you huge financial losses, ensure you have done enough research on that particular company before striking any busine Rating: 0
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How to Check if a Company is Registered in Nigeria with CAC

How to Check if a Company is Registered in Nigeria with CAC

Before falling for scams which might cause you huge financial losses, ensure you have done enough research on that particular company before striking any business deal with the company. One of the necessary step is to find out if the business is a registered business or company in Nigeria. To do this is simple since it went digital in 2016. There are two websites that can help you check if a company or NGO is registered in Nigeria. They include the CAC official website and the FIRS website. The later is applicable if you have the registration number and want to confirm. Let’s look at how both are done:


This is the steps to take:

  1. Visit the CAC official website and click on public search or simply go directly to the public search link
  2. Enter the name of the business/company/NGO in question example Cleaneat Integrated Services
  3. Check the box written I’m not a Robot to show you are human
  4. A list appears with different variation of your search keywords
  5. If the company is registered The result will include the name of the company, the RC number, the address of the company and the date of registration. if it is not registered, it returns empty and if its undergoing registration the status will also show it but without a RC number

See pictorial

step 1. Visit the website and click on public search

company registration verification in nigeria

Step 2: Enter the company name and check the box

3. Search result indicates registration status

registered companies in Nigeria


The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) is the only Federal government institution saddled with the primary responsibility of collection and payment of Federal government taxes across Nigeria. You can check a companies TIN and registration status on the FIRS website by simply going to the official website using the following steps

  1. Visit the FIRS Official Website and click on Verify TIN by the top right bar or simply go directly to the TIN Verification page
  2. In the Search form, Select CAC Registration number in the search criteria dropdown list
  3. Enter the Number Registered with Corporate Affairs Commision preceded by the corresponding alphabets e.g RC12345 for Corporate entities and BN12345 for Enterprises or as the case may be in the search value field.
  4. Input the correct captcha image text and click on the search button
  5. If the Number is correct the name of the company will be displayed

Try it

Meanwhile, If you want to register your company in Nigeria, Contact Eloquent Touch Media

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