E-commerce Solution to Prevent Ebola Virus spread Reviewed by Momizat on . The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and Nigeria in particular calls for desperate measures. Considering the number of people that live in Lagos with this s The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and Nigeria in particular calls for desperate measures. Considering the number of people that live in Lagos with this s Rating: 0
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E-commerce Solution to Prevent Ebola Virus spread

E-commerce Solution to Prevent Ebola Virus spread

The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and Nigeria in particular calls for desperate measures. Considering the number of people that live in Lagos with this small land mass, it would be necessary to device all means to curtail the spread of the deadly virus. One of those very effective ways would be to go cashless. It has been established that the virus spreads fast by person-to-person contact. People has stopped shaking hands even in churches there’s no more “shake two people and tell them God loves you”. Someone even joked about switching his Nokia phone on and the two hands refusing to shake for the fear of Ebola. Unfortunately, we do a lot of transactions on a daily basis that require money exchanging hands, and cash exchange is like shaking hands. One of the best ways to reduce the spread of the virus is to go cashless. This is how it is done

    1. Take your Business Online: this is your first step to a virtual lifestyle of health, fun and success. Your website is your online shop or office where you carry out business without the risk of personal contact with an Ebola-infected victim. Get a professional website designer in Nigeria to develop an ecommerce website for you. With an e-commerce website, your customers can view your products and services online, shop and make payments-all online. Even if it is not fully ecommerce, people can still pay to the bank or on delivery.
    2. Do online banking: do your bank transactions online. Online banking reduces the stress of going to stand in the queue with people you don’t know their health status. They may even sneeze behind you which is quite dangerous as a drop of spittle on your skin is enough to cause Ebola. Sometimes you borrow pen from people to fill in your details and while you are leaving press the nob for the door to open. That nob is touched by dozens of people daily. It therefore makes sense to  do your banking transactions online
    3. Pay for goods and services online: you can order for almost anything online and make payments through the same platform without the risk of exchanging physical cash or any form of bodily contact. You can pay for your DSTV, power bill, and even buy voucher online without leaving the comfort of your home. You don’t need to sit in bus with someone, pay conductor and collect change after insulting you to your face for coming in with no change; you don’t need to pay and collect receipt from anyone. All thses will make for physical contact and help spread the virus. Cut it down by paying online. In counting N20,000 for instance, you may be touching up to 500 hands that all the notes from different sources have passed through that day.
    4. Get a social Media Business Page:  create a page for your business on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Your social media pages help you market and provide good customer service to your customers without a physical contact. In the 21st century, every aspect of business can be conducted virtually.
    5. Get a POS machine: with this people can pay to you using their ATM card. Though not a perfect solution but also reduces your chances of handling cash. Good enough banks can give you this machine at no cost.

Kick Ebola out of Nigeria- Go Cashless

About The Author

Number of Entries : 88

Comments (2)

  • Chuggy

    Nice write up! It certainly does make sense to use these solutions proffered for the reduction of the viral spread. What of its eradication? Come to think of it, I do some of my purchases online, while some are done physically because not all products could be sold online or delivered when needed especially the emergent ones. Even the ones i do online, i still have the delivery man to deal with. Or won’t it be delivered? Wont I touch my package to open it? Hmmm! The Lord is our strength!


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