Making Plastic ID Cards in Nigeria? Call 08181447766 Reviewed by Momizat on . [image src="" width="300" height="250" title="ID Card printer in Lagos Nigeri [image src="" width="300" height="250" title="ID Card printer in Lagos Nigeri Rating: 0
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Making Plastic ID Cards in Nigeria? Call 08181447766

ID Card printer in Lagos Nigeria

A lot of people today are looking for how to make plastic ID cards for themselves or their staff members in Nigeria.  Whether your company is based in Lagos, Port Harcourt or Abuja, plastic ID cards enhances your brand image and does a lot of other things to your business relations. We at Eloquent Touch Media can give you that super ID card design and print in Nigeria that you would need not travel out for quality IDs anymore

These few tips will help you make a professional ID card design and print

1.       Take a passport or bring the one you had: This is basically the first step required since ID cards or identity cards require the passport of the owner or user, so you would need a passport. Depending on the purpose you are using it for however, the passport may require your two ears to be showing.

2.       Provide the necessary information: If you are doing it for staff members of your company, then they should all write their full names (as will appear on the identity card) and their designation example Accountant(though some choose departments you belong like accounts instead of the role you play). They should also sign as “Holders signature” will be required. The CEO or person in charge will also sign the “authorized signature” that will be used for all the cards. Finally the address and logo of the company will be necessary information to be provided. In Eloquent Touch, we already have a form for every service we offer, all you need do is fill the form and drop your passport.

3.       Go for a professional ID card design: the problem with most plastic ID cards in Lagos is that there are so many roadside designers ready to just put something together for you at a cheap rate. Don’t go for something unprofessional. Have a professional design your Identification card before taking it to the printer, if the designer cannot print it. In Eloquent Touch Media however, we handle everything from your logo design to the design of the ID Cards to printing and even delivery to your office (for Lagos customers only). For those staying in Abuja, Port Harcourt or other parts of Nigeria we can just send you our professionally designed ID cards so you can send to your printer or we can still print and send(especially when the quantity is much). However delivery charges apply

4.       Print: The best plastic ID Cards have both sides colored. This may be more expensive but still has a professional look and feel. Make sure that whoever prints your Identity cards has an excellent good working machine.

5.       Insert in a case: buy a casing for your ID card that will preserve it from wear and tear and serve as a place you pass the rope through

6.       Brand your lanyard: again a professional can help you do this. Make your logo and brand reflect on the rope(lanyard) that hangs the plastic ID card down you neck.

ID cards can also be pinned to your pocket. It all depends. Call Eloquent Touch Media 08024444263 for special discounts on all your Stationery design and printing jobs ranging from your business card, letterheads and ID cards

About The Author

Eloquent Touch Media invests in BIG ideas, creativity and knowledge. As a corporate body,we are involved in website design, graphic design, branding, content development, internet marketing and information management. Connect with us through any or all of our social media buttons below

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